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Digital Culture Index

DCI is a data project aiming to explore Europe through the lense of digital consumption. We combined and analyzed digital content usage patterns from Youtube, Spotify and Google Trends to uncover the digital cultures hiding under the European map.

Created with open data from:

Why do we need a Digital Culture Index?


Tons of data, little meaning

Digital content consumption generates large amounts of data that gets richer every year. Yet we still find it difficult to process such data and capture the meanings and patterns behind it.


Importance of digital lives

We spend large parts of our lives in the digital realm. However, apart from digital channel statistics usage there is little that describes us in regards to our digital habits and preferences. DCI aims to contribute to this.


Navigating Europe

We tend to think of Europe as a broad collection of cultures. We aim to show how alike and different people can be when we redraw the map based on our digital personalities, lifestyles and routines.

Explore the Digital Europe

Cultural patterns of Europe

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    Digital Culture Index

    Want to run a data project?

    Unlock the full potential of openly available data and discover more about digital culture specifics and preferences in European markets.

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