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Luxembourg’s cultural profile is characterised by average valence and moderate tempo and energy levels, suggesting a balanced personality. As a crossroad of cultures, the country maintains a highly international lifestyle with a preference for internationally sourced content, while striking a balance between universal and niche topics. In terms of daily routines, Luxembourg embraces practicality and exhibits an active approach to life, favoring engagement and practicality over passive entertainment.


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Balanced Valence

Luxembourg has an average valence - this indicates a moderate emotional charge in the prevailing mood, which could reflect a generally balanced, stable and contented personality. An average valence of musical tastes implies a preference for music that is neither particularly upbeat nor gloomy.


Balanced Tempo and Energy

An average score in tempo and energy suggests a preference for moderately paced music and activities. This could indicate a culture that values a balance between excitement and calm. In everyday life, this might translate into a blend of stimulating and relaxing activities.

Personality Personality


Highly international

Luxembourg's strong international orientation suggests a cultural lifestyle with a clear preference for international over local influences. This may be evident in the consumption of international media, news, and entertainment over local counterparts.


Balance between Niche and Universal

Luxembourg’s content choices are just between niche and universal. These balanced preferences indicate a lifestyle that entails not only entertainment and sports but also interests in DIY and crafts, technology, lifestyle, education, and health and wellness.

Lifestyle Lifestyle


Highly Practical

A low score on the entertainment dimension suggests a culture that places significant value on utility and functionality in its daily routines. That means Luxembourgers are more likely to check the weather, search for translation tools, or browse news websites.


Above average Engagement

Luxembourg leans slightly towards more active rather than passive engagement in their daily routines. This indicates a preference for engaging and interactive content, suggesting a more dynamic approach to daily activities that require some level of involvement, but are not too demanding.

Routine Routine



  • 01 Pop
    02 Rap
    03 Pop Dance
  • 01 Comedy
    02 Sport
    03 Political Commentary, Challenge
  • 01 Translation, Weather
    02 News, Maps, Grocery



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