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The DCI data captures lived culture of the countries of Europe by looking at their music, content, and search preferences.

Those preferences are represented in the dimensions of Personality, Lifestyle, and Routine which highlight the differences and similarity of European countries, providing a starting point for businesses who want to enter the European market.

Routine captures a country's day-to-day interests and searches. This dimension classifies Google Trends top searches by whether this content requires active engagement (e.g. checking for tools, education, games) or is passive (e.g. checking the weather, entertainment, news) and whether that content is meant for practical or entertainment purposes.

Routine allows to capture day-to-day content preference and interest, as reflected by a country’s top Google searches over the past 12 months. This can provide guidance about what and in what way to communicate with audiences.

By combining scores on those dimensions, i.e. (1) engagement and (2) entertainment of content we can create four distinct combinations for our set of DCI countries - separated on the respective DCI average. Those are:

  • Passive/Entertaining
  • Active/Entertaining
  • Passive/Practical
  • Active/Practical

The following map shows the score combinations for each European country, revealing countries with similar Routine profiles across Europe. This insight can be used to address similar countries together, rather than one-by-one or all countries as a single market.

Based on the Routine you can get a first understanding of major day-to-day content interest of audiences, that are relevant in their lives and culture. This insight may help you identify topical content touchpoints to reach a broader audience, or to decide whether informational or emotional content would be more suitable.

More concretely the lifestyle dimension could be useful in the following ways:

  • Creating targeted content that caters to the specific interests and needs of audiences in different countries.
  • Adjusting the engagement level of your communication activities to cultural preferences (e.g. whether or not to use high-engagement tools such as content co-creation, contests or quizzes).

If you would like to know more about how to the use other dimensions of the DCI, check out our articles on Personality and Lifestyle.

And, if you are interested in adding more granularity to your marketing efforts, you can find our country classifications for entertainment and engagement below:

Country Classifications: Entertainment

Country Classifications: Engagement

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Intro to the Marketer’s Guide





Digital Culture Index

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