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Austria is one of the highest-ranking countries in terms of valence, energy and tempo, reflecting a positive and joyful personality. The country displays a predominantly local orientation in its lifestyle, ranking among the few countries—such as France and Germany —that favor locally sourced content with a focus on more niche topics. In terms of routines, Austria's strong emphasis on practicality combined with lower activeness, highlights it as a country that seeks low engagement content for practical purposes.


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Just Above Average, positive

Austria ranks above average in terms of valence — this indicates a slightly positive emotional tone in the country's prevalent mood, which may imply a relatively optimistic and cheerful personality. A tendency towards positive valence in musical tastes suggests that Austrians are likely to prefer more joyful music, associated with positive emotions and pleasant experiences.


Above average tempo and energy

A higher score in tempo and energy suggests a preference for fast-paced music and activities, indicating a culture that values excitement and liveliness. In everyday life, this might manifest in an appreciation for activities that are stimulating.

Personality Personality


Highly Local

Austria's consumed content is largely of local origin, indicating a strong preference for domestic over international content. This preference - surpassed only by Ireland, Italy, the US, and Germany - may reflect pride in local identity, a preference for content in the national language as well as Austrian media and entertainment.



Austria’s lifestyle choices are particularly niche, reflecting a strong preference for specialised and unique content. This preference, surpassed only by Iceland, may indicate a culture that values individuality and the unusual, and seeks out content that is less mainstream and less widely consumed, with topics as business and finance, automotive, and education.

Lifestyle Lifestyle


Highly Practical

A low score on the entertainment dimension suggests a culture that places significant value on utility and functionality in its daily routines. That means Austrians are more likely to check the weather, search for translation tools, or visit news websites.


Below average Engagement

Below-average activeness score suggests a more relaxed approach to daily routines, with a preference for less action-oriented and less engaging content, such as checking the weather.

Routine Routine



  • 01 Pop
    02 German Hip Hop
    03 Pop Dance
  • 01 Vlogging, Genre-specific music
    02 Let’s Plays, Sport
    03 Comedy, Challenge
  • 01 News
    02 Weather
    03 Translation



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