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United Kingdom

United Kingdom

The UK’s cultural profile is marked by just above average valence paired with average tempo and energy, reflecting a balanced but positive personality. Being a country of many cultures, the UK’s DCI scores portray a lifestyle that is defined by a preference for international content and a liking for universal over niche topics. In terms of routines, the UK’s emphasis on entertainment over practicality, combined with a disposition to enjoy content passively, highlights it as a culture that seeks low engagement content for entertainment purposes.

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

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United Kingdom


Just above average - positive

The UK ranks above average in terms of valence — this indicates a slightly positive emotional tone in the country's prevalent mood, which may imply a relatively optimistic and cheerful personality. A tendency towards positive valence in musical tastes suggests that people from the UK are likely to prefer more joyful music, associated with positive emotions and pleasant experiences.


Balanced Tempo and Energy

An average score in tempo and energy suggests a preference for moderately paced music and activities. This could indicate a culture that values a balance between excitement and calm. In everyday life, this might translate into a blend of stimulating and relaxing activities.

Personality Personality


Just Above Average - International

The UK’s slight international orientation suggests a cultural lifestyle with a preference for international over local influences. This may be evident in the consumption of international media, news, and entertainment over local counterparts.



The cultural tastes in the UK tend to be more universal, meaning that, while the content is primarily local, the most popular themes tend to have a broader and more widespread appeal, such as entertainment and sports.

Lifestyle Lifestyle



The UK’s higher scores on the entertainment dimension suggests a culture that values leisure and enjoyment in daily routines. It captures a preference for entertaining experiences, such as social media, video content, and other forms of digital entertainment.


Below average activeness - passive

Below-average activeness score suggests a more relaxed approach to the routines of daily life, with a preference for less action-oriented and less engaging content, such as checking the news.

Routine Routine


United Kingdom

  • 01 Pop
    02 Rap
    03 Rock and UK Pop
  • 01 Sport, Movies/TV shows
    02 Let's Plays
    03 Challenge
  • 01 News
    02 Shopping
    03 Weather, Social Media, Grocery
United Kingdom


United Kingdom

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